I am thrilled to update you on an exciting collaboration that Balwyn CC has recently initiated with the Mount Waverley Cricket Club (MWCC). Balwyn and Mount Waverley have formed a friendship in recent seasons with combined pre-season sessions and some close games across all four senior VSDCA XI's. Mount Waverley are a club that we admire for their organisation, administration and culture and they are a club who feel similarly aligned to and respect.
I am pleased to announce that an ongoing trophy named in honour of two club legends will begin this year. The inaugural Kennon-Golding cup will be played later in November across all four grades. Balwyn has honoured our modern-day hero and icon in Clint Kennon and Mount Waverley CC have also honoured a club great for them in Stephen Golding.
Clint's Balwyn achievements include Bud Walder medals, Barrie Provan Trophies, 3 x Premiership medals including one as captain, premiership president, 5 x bowling awards, over 100 First XI games, 2500+ runs, 399 wickets and most importantly life member of the Balwyn Cricket Club. Clint has been a mentor to many at Balwyn, including myself and I feel honoured to announce to the Balwyn community that we have been able to honour him forever through a trophy. Despite Clint's terrific achievements the committee decided to put Clint's name forward for such a trophy as he has played across all four grades which is very important in this trophy, he has been a mentor and father figure to many players, has been a great friend and driven the culture of inclusivity, 'RESPECT' and mateship at this Balwyn CC and these achievements cannot be quantified as they are everlasting.
The Kennon-Golding Cup will be played across all grades with all teams being fixtured on the same weekend in the years to come. The cup will be awarded to the club who wins more games over the weekend than the other, i.e. Balwyn win 3 of the 4 games and are awarded the trophy. If the clubs are at a 2-2 draw the First XI's game will be weighted and the winner of the First XI game will factor into the club being awarded the cup. Every game the umpires will award a player of the match and there will be an annual function at the conclusion of the First XI game at the hosting club. This year Balwyn are hosting the weekend with Mount Waverley's ground being redeveloped and under renovation. The First XI will be hosting MWCC on the Saturday/Sunday fixture in a two-day contest. The Second XI will be playing away at Pinewood Reserve in a two day game as well. The Third and Fourth XI will both be hosting MWCC on the Saturday and Sunday in one day games both at GBR meaning there will be a big weekend of cricket at GBR! I encourage you all to get down and support Balwyn and hopefully we can do Clint proud and hold the cup aloft as a club. Balwyn are proud to create a trophy that encompasses all four grades and think this is an important recognition for all of our players and everyone in the squad will have a part to play in this cup once a year.
On top of this cup Balwyn and Mount Waverley have joined forces in our battle as a community to raise awareness of mental health. Mental health issues and struggles are prevalent in society and Balwyn play a role in creating a support network for all of our community as nobody should ever walk this challenge alone. Over the past year the committee has been discussing ways we as a club and community can help raise awareness on mental health. Balwyn are fortunate to have such a dedicated and passionate child and safety officer / well being officer in Rael Belterman who has organised discussions and workshops for our playing group. As a part of this ongoing trophy and annual mega weekend against Mount Waverley we have decided to raise awareness through a join club Thursday dinner with a Movember guest speaker Jake Lambert as well as raise funds through a Balwyn CC / Mount Waverley CC Movember pages. I would encourage you all to either join the group, donate to our players growing moustaches or participating or share this news and reach out to those who might be interested.
Movember Link: https://au.movember.com/team/2406650?utm_medium=share&utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=qr-code
Thursday Night Dinner on 14 November at GBR (more details to come)
Sunday BBQ on 17th November at GBR 3pm.
Yours in cricket,
Dom Greene
Balwyn Cricket Club